Our Partners

On behalf of the Egyptian Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (EGATCA), we are honored to host the 35th IFATCA, AFM-Regional meeting scheduled to take place in Cairo, between October 21st and 23rd. , 2024, that carries the theme “Invest in people: Building safety capabilities for safer skies.”.
We are delighted to announce that sponsors and exhibitors are strongly encouraged to participate in this outstanding event, and want to extend an opportunity to IFATCA’s industry partners to be part of this event, which is an excellent chance to market and showcase their products and services to aviation audiences from Africa and Middle East, and to take advantage of the event to enhance the awareness and visibility of their organizations by promoting their brand’s products and/or services while interacting and networking with IFATCA officials, local aviation experts, MA’s representatives, and other industry partners during and after the event.
Please contact us for more information and to confirm your organization's inclusion on our list.
We greatly appreciate your support and participation. and We hope to see you at IFATCA 35th AFM-RM 2024 in Cairo-Egypt.